Dr. Atul Madaan

Parent Training Program

Home Services Parent Training Program

At CFA, we provide psychological services which play an important role in helping the clients. The process of psychological support begins with an OPD session which provides an insight to the parents as well as the professionals. We work to understand the problem or concern of the child. The screening involves observation, brief evaluation and as per the need guidance to the parents.Following that, psychological assessments are performed to assess the level of issues, set need-based goals, quantify the diagnosis, and present recommendations. Later, we also provide a report discussion session. The informants are provided with a subjective report that provides them with a clear comprehension of their child’s assessment results and recommendations for future support. The report results also aid professionals in communicating with one another, discussing the training/treatment plan for the child, and comparing the child’s current level to his/her ongoing progress.

At CFA we provide parental support which focuses on Parent psycho-education, guidance, and counselling regarding the benefits of early intervention, conceptual training, and behavioural management.It helps parents understand their child’s difficulties and set realistic goals and expectations.Various attempts by CFA to attain this goal were covered under the umbrella term Parents Management Training Program. It is the term coined for the meeting arranged between parents (of special children enrolled with us) and clinical psychologist after a gap of 1.5 months to 2 months from the date of admission of child. It involves analyzing the progress of the child at regular intervals, briefing and discussing with the parents about performance level of child at the center and at home. The main part of meeting remains to be imparting training to parents on how to streamline the activities at home in a way that channelizes the child, add structure in their lives and makes it easy for the child and parents to adapt to daily chores. In addition, Group Parent Management Training is organized once every month wherein collectively parents and resource persons sit and discuss concerns and issues related to special children. Also, to further create an impact on the parents that how their active involvement helps bringing positive change in life of special children we introduced Parent to Parent (P2P) training program. It is an initiative by the older parents (parents who had their children enrolled with us over the period of one year) to share their experience of how applying the techniques shared with them helped them conduct structured training at home and streamlined the child when it comes to energy channelization, instruction following, understanding and establishing emotional connectivity.
